• Individuals
Darlene partners with clients to make changes immediately by teaching them practical tools to get present, grounded and connect to their intuition. Individuals learn to live life authentically, build confidence and free themselves from the pressures of work and overall life stresses.
• Couples
In 10-12 sessions Darlene helps couples understand their issues, improve communication and reconnect to what drew them together. Couples increase flexibility, enhance intimacy skills and improve conflict resolution.
• Family and Kids
Darlene works with parents as a team, one parent and one child, siblings, and children individually. She also meets with whole families as a group in her office or their home. Darlene also supports families of adult children and their senior parents.
• Anxiety & Sleep Issues
In individual sessions and workshops, Darlene uses a body-focused approach including meditation, breathing and other self-releases techniques. She helps clients shift body sensations from edginess to serenity. Clients develop sleep rituals and improve sleep.
• PTSD & Traumatic Events
Darlene guides clients through overcoming physical and sexual abuse, early loss of parents, chronic illness and other traumas. Clients learn to stay present, shift their perception of the trauma and release overwhelming feelings related to past events.
• Shoah (Holocaust)
In individual, family and workshop sessions, Darlene works with Holocaust survivors, their adult children and grandchildren to understand the ongoing impact of the Holocaust on their lives. She helps them integrate their background in a positive way and improve relationships.
Click for a summary list of issues we address.