Family therapy can focus on one specific issue or address the constellation of issues that confront families today.


The learning and practice of communication skills takes place with the entire family or between subsets such as one parent/one child, siblings, two parents/one child, etc.

Family Time and Rituals

Creating family time within the busy schedules of parents and kids is a tremendous challenge. Darlene aids parents in developing family rituals, such as a special weekly dinner for all members to sit down together, specific bedtime and morning routines to ease transitions in and out of each day and more.

New Baby

The entrance of a new baby into a family can be joyous as well demanding. A first child changes the relationship of the parents. Succeeding children cause a major adjustment in the dynamics of the family. Parents learn how to make a smooth entry of the new family member. Children learn how to appropriately deal with their feelings, both happy and angry, jealous etc.

Only Children and Siblings

Many families today have one child which presents a unique challenge to parents. In others, sibling relationships can be loving and difficult at the same time. Darlene helps families create a peaceful home by working with parents on how to react to their children’s behavior.  Children learn techniques to cope and to express themselves to siblings and parents.

Extended Family

Dynamics between grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents and kids can enhance family function or be problematic.  Tactics for developing healthy extended family relationships is addressed in sessions.


Family events and holidays are usually stressful times. Strategies for minimizing anxiety and dealing with extended family members are discussed in advance of the event. Debriefing after the event also takes place.

These issues become even more important to address when there is a divorce, death of a family member, remarriage and/or blended families.