Thank you for helping my daughter. She always feels better after leaving your office.
J. S., Santa Monica
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for what you are doing for my daughter and our whole family. What we’re going through is very difficult, but on the two occasions when she and I have been to see you, we always come away with positive feelings, and that’s very, VERY precious to me right now. Thank you for all your very good work. You are a blessing.
B. S., Santa Monica
Just got a call from a young man who I referred to you for he and his wife to have couples counseling – although he does not know the outcome — he feels you are doing a great job with them. Thanks.
D. F. Los Angeles
I just want to say how impressed I am at your ability to relate to all my kids. Darlene, you possess a talent in getting my three teenagers, who are all quite different, to open up. You’ve touched their lives. I am confident that they will function as healthier adults due to the tools and insights they have gained in your office. I was hesitant at first to bring my four and eight year old to your office. I wasn’t sure of your abilities to relate to the younger crowd. In ten minutes, my four year old colored and talked with you and gave you a hug when we left your office. She wanted to come back tomorrow. My eight year old was shy and hesitant to open up to you at first and now can’t stop talking. The fact that you know all of us, makes me confident in your ability to help our family function as a unit. I am forever grateful to you.
B.R.R. Los Angeles
Thank you for, quite literally, saving my life and holding up a mirror so that I could better see myself. Work is flourishing. I love my life. My heart is healing now. I am happy.
K.J. Los Angeles
I just wanted to offer you a thank you. It was through your urging to attend AA that I found the path I am currently on. I am 2 and ½ years sober and part of my sobriety starts everyday with prayer and meditation. I begin with the Sustaining Integration exercises, which I really appreciated. It helps center me. I just wanted to tell you that I am doing very well and we as a family are doing very well. I especially want to show gratitude to you because it was through your urging that I recognized that I am an alcoholic and it was that which got me to where I am presently.
C.S. Los Angeles
Just wanted to mention that after I left you this morning, I called my brother to have lunch. We had a really incredible visit. He asked me 100 questions about IBP, seems to be really suffering with his own agency, anxiety and pain. He was looking for a hand so I showed him the good mother messages, which seemed to really resonate. Thanks for encouraging me to make peace and be heard in the process. I really felt like the universe responded to my intention…
A. M. Los Angeles
I love living and working in Long Beach. I am making a noticeable contribution in my new job, which is very rewarding Thank you for helping me to find my way.
R. S. Long Beach
Something happened to me, as does us all. I had been shattered by forces unseen. All that was left to do was to pick up the pieces and try to put myself back together again the best I could. The problem was no instruction manual. So I kept breaking. I kept replacing parts to make myself work and well, there I was. Through masters and messengers I come to meet Darlene Basch, profession: psychotherapist. But there was more here that my heart could sense. A trust that she could help, that she was strong, that she wouldn’t buy my act but neither would she make me feel inferior or emotionally criminal for trying to sell it. My journey with Darlene took me through the darkest corridors of my psyche, always her hand within reach if needed. And when the time would come she was the light. Then came time to become new, after all the old tapes, the old disguises, the old beliefs had been dissolved into nothing more than well old tapes and the like…..WHAT TO DO?, WHO TO BE? The nurturing of a glass soul, this is what I will always be most grateful. Mindful of the individual, Darlene’s wisdom and intuitive spirit comes into play as I was guided and supported, encouraged and inspired, given tools as tools were needed, time when time was needed, and a friend when a friend was needed. I am whole in ways never imagined. I was prodded by invisible angels to seek her out. And for that day I am infinitely blessed to have this opportunity to say thank you to her.
M. D. Cleveland